Using someone else’s Blackberry to access Facebook gives you access to all their contacts. That seems like a pretty huge bug to me!
The politics of software piracy statistics
The Business Software Alliance does a really bad job at getting accurate software piracy figures, but it doesn’t seem to curb their enthusiasm, nor everyone else’s in peddling their made up numbers!
Why I wish our prime minister would get a stewardess (like his Dad)
George Papandreou is nothing like his father. He tries sometimes when giving speeches to large crowds, but only in the mannerisms and style. The most important difference I would argue, is that he is not a womanizer. And before all female readers close this window offended I need to clarify that this is a serious… Continue reading Why I wish our prime minister would get a stewardess (like his Dad)
Social CRM is better than flossing
Social CRM is more than just the next buzz word and additional acronym to learn.
Cutting the deficit part 1: the Eurovision song contest
You may all think we are deep in some economic crisis but the Greeks are in fact preparing for Oslo!
How to lose 90% of your web traffic in one day
Moving an entire domain as an experiment for learning more about how and why web traffic comes may sound extreme but it actually works if properly set up!
THAT is how Onassis fans best
Producing a television show these days is a much more complex affair than it used to be the first time I did it. It involves taking into account media consumption overall and building it into the show’s appeal and revenue streams.
Tolstoy and the Greek War of financial Independence
Greece doesn’t need aid right now, it needs a serious shock to a society spoilt to the core from having it too good on borrowed money for too long.
Why on earth did you leave CRM implementation to the IT department?
I was talking to the CEO of a market leading services company recently. He was trying to entice me to get involved, I was trying to avoid telling him too bluntly that the cosy family-style management he had lived with all these years was about to crash completely. We skirted about the issues. “With your… Continue reading Why on earth did you leave CRM implementation to the IT department?
Tribal Shame, Doping Control and how to keep Greece’s deficit from mounting again
Pride and Prejudice are useful tools in creating social norms and avoiding corporate or sporting crimes