Greenwashing with a twist: come to Greece!

In the image above is a small undefined area in Central Athens as it is projected to become. In an extremely densely populated where a parking spot can cost you 100 euro a month or more. Most people just drive around until they find a space, or try to “hold” a spot using crates or… Continue reading Greenwashing with a twist: come to Greece!

Rigged elections, Open AI, the NBA finals and the next Google CEO

Just switched off the first Mavs-Celtics game. Since the iconic rivalry of the Golden State Warriors and the Cleveland Cavaliers, NBA Finals ratings have never recovered.  Strangely enough however the lowest TV rated series was the most interesting to me.  It was 2020, the year of “the bubble”, an innovative solution the NBA found to… Continue reading Rigged elections, Open AI, the NBA finals and the next Google CEO

The best time of year to visit Greece without ruining the planet

If you have booked a holiday in Greece for June, July or August you have made a big mistake. Unless you are heading for the mountains in the North you are in for multiple unpleasant surprises. In this post I described the horrors of visiting Santorini. And that was at the end of October! Many… Continue reading The best time of year to visit Greece without ruining the planet