Where is what I am looking for?

Λόγω αλλαγής στον server, όλα τα ελληνικά άρθρα είναι πλέον μαζί στη διεύθυνση http://greekinter.net/   I moved my server so if you are looking for that previous site with my shiny bald head, look no further.  All the content from that is now here.  I also threw in some other sites for good measure, various projects… Continue reading Where is what I am looking for?

Categorized as Tips

Fig and Olive, Fig Charleston, the girl and the fig

Why do so many popular restaurants use the name “fig”?  From the Fig & Olive website we read: “FIG & OLIVE is about passion for the best olive oils, flavors and cuisine from the Riviera& Coastal regions of the South of France, Italy and Spain. Our large variety of extra virgin olive oils was selected… Continue reading Fig and Olive, Fig Charleston, the girl and the fig

Do figs ripen after they are picked off the tree?

No, figs don’t ripen after being picked.  So you need to read carefully.  If you are picking the figs yourself make sure they aren’t too hard and that they are easy to remove.  Just lift them gently and they should begin to become unattached or feel ready to leave the tree. Unripe figs don’t taste… Continue reading Do figs ripen after they are picked off the tree?