In the image above is a small undefined area in Central Athens as it is projected to become. In an extremely densely populated where a parking spot can cost you 100 euro a month or more. Most people just drive around until they find a space, or try to “hold” a spot using crates or… Continue reading Greenwashing with a twist: come to Greece!
Tag: politics
If you live in the UK, switch off Facebook for a few weeks
I have a Masters degree in Media, Communication and Society. Yet I have no exact data to give you about precisely how Facebook messes up our heads. But I know it is dangerous before a snap election. And you can’t win. So take a break. Facebook is evil. Those that try and bunch it with… Continue reading If you live in the UK, switch off Facebook for a few weeks
Greek on a soapbox
Will try and keep this short and unGreek in drama. I am a Germanotsolias according to many people here. The term refers to the police collaborators with the Nazis and is very fashionable again. Ι write in full knowledge that I am probably going to be pinpointed by this, already the Press is facing ridiculous inquisitions… Continue reading Greek on a soapbox
Yanis Varoufakis is a liar – Greeks are not poor by any measure
“We know by looking into the eyes of the hungry in the streets of our cities…” The man is a writer. A blogger. A tweeter. But surely not the material of a finance minister. Maybe this whole thing is just a scheme on his part so he can sell more books. Maybe he wants to… Continue reading Yanis Varoufakis is a liar – Greeks are not poor by any measure
Why I wish our prime minister would get a stewardess (like his Dad)
George Papandreou is nothing like his father. He tries sometimes when giving speeches to large crowds, but only in the mannerisms and style. The most important difference I would argue, is that he is not a womanizer. And before all female readers close this window offended I need to clarify that this is a serious… Continue reading Why I wish our prime minister would get a stewardess (like his Dad)