I can picture the scene. Some EU bureaucrat, on his low tech EU email client, had to go through the EU complicated way of reporting yet another viagra spam email. “This has to stop!” he righteously complained loudly to other EU bureaucrats twiddling their thumbs. “I cannot receive that email I need from Nigeria because… Continue reading GDPR is so stupid it is scary
Tag: europe
Greek on a soapbox
Will try and keep this short and unGreek in drama. I am a Germanotsolias according to many people here. The term refers to the police collaborators with the Nazis and is very fashionable again. Ι write in full knowledge that I am probably going to be pinpointed by this, already the Press is facing ridiculous inquisitions… Continue reading Greek on a soapbox
A conversation with your average Greek about debt
-This debt is unsustainable. What do you mean? -We have to get more loans just to pay the interest! We will never manage to pay it off! So what do you propose? -Write all the debt off so we can recover. But that would mean other Europeans having to pay for it. -Yes, but you… Continue reading A conversation with your average Greek about debt
Ariel Castro needed to rewrite Greek history?
As we walked through central Vienna, I pointed to one of the windows: “You know”, I explained to an interlocutor who probably knew better than me, “when Greece was formed as a modern country in 1828, the people living in those buildings had several centuries of experience of living in a city with other people.”… Continue reading Ariel Castro needed to rewrite Greek history?
Tolstoy and the Greek War of financial Independence
Greece doesn’t need aid right now, it needs a serious shock to a society spoilt to the core from having it too good on borrowed money for too long.