Data comparisons show just how far ahead the U.S. is in tech

It started with a friend’s interesting project. sets forth to draw comparisons between two European cities.  “Everyday stories, vivid images, mutual interests and hopeful efforts”… will have to be good enough though because finding decent comparative data is pretty complicated! If you search the internet for “city comparison” or anything like that, you are most… Continue reading Data comparisons show just how far ahead the U.S. is in tech

Tech beyond the law; virtual reality TV for Banana republics

It is funny to watch regulators try to catch up with Facebook and Google.  These days it is about how they filter news results.  Which sort of shows how little anyone understands the tech involved.  Of course Facebook and Google’s algorithms are biased!  By definition any system which regulates a flow cannot be objective and… Continue reading Tech beyond the law; virtual reality TV for Banana republics

Google is evil. But not like you imagine it is.

“Ah, yes, you’re the guy that has a thing against Google.” It wasn’t the best of introductions but I knew what he was on about. I do have “a thing” with Google.  I am jealous as hell!  Because a select few people in Google are literally the closest a homo sapiens has ever come to… Continue reading Google is evil. But not like you imagine it is.

The Asian Toad and Google research for business

My friend James is probably the smartest person I know.  Whether he is teaching himself music in order to do the soundtrack to an amazing documentary of his, building innovative mammal free zones in New Zealand, riding a motorbike or in Madagascar fighting the Asian toad. The what?  When a modern human comes across something… Continue reading The Asian Toad and Google research for business

Trump is right about something! Made in USA counts for a lot

You probably rushed to dismiss it.  After all, in this globalized world it seems counterintuitive that Apple should produce iPhones entirely in the US.  Some would say impossible.  And it is Donald Trump saying it, the man is ridiculous almost 24/7. Now think about it again.  Cost?  Yeah, sure it would be more expensive to produce… Continue reading Trump is right about something! Made in USA counts for a lot

Moving the i-Goalposts

In the old days we used to have great flame wars of PC vs Mac.  Back then Apple was going to conquer the desktop.  They never even got close of course.  Everyone talked about Apple machines but bought PCs.  There was always some secret plan, some new technology, a “gamechanger” just around the corner that Apple was… Continue reading Moving the i-Goalposts