Yes, yet another acronym. I am now officially a PE.C.A. I coined the term because it is going to become a popular profession. Not for me personally. I only got involved and am developing the know how in order to assist corporate clients. The problem is that the personal branding of their top brass is important. Really important. And they have no clue how to properly use their social media.
Top CEO easily accessible via Facebook? Not a good idea. His or her personal information available? Most high flying execs have no idea just where and how the stuff they post online might be accessible. So, most of them avoid it all together. Also not a good idea for many. (Depends what business you are in and what your overall company communications plan is.)
So, they need to be online, trendy and creating buzz but aren’t sure what exactly the latest Google, Facebook or LinkedIn policy change means. In comes the PE.C.A.! Setting targets, measuring results, checking what the reactions are. Somebody has to be online to check that a storm isn’t brewing. The CEO isn’t going to be signing in every five minutes…
For many up and coming entrepreneurs or other business people social media is a valuable way of getting up in life in terms of connections. I was once advised to take up golf in order to meet “the right people”. Unfortunately it is true that many a major business deal has taken place between swings. (And – in my experience – this nonchalance often leads to catastrophic results.) But by projecting the right message, the CEO can get the equivelant of golfing contacts online.
Take your best swing!

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