Alpine Common Sense

As yet there is no formal mountain rescue service in Greece, and each year unprepared or imprudent hikers suffer the fatal conse­quences in every season. When necessary, army helicopters are summoned to conduct searches, but they take a long time to arrive and this is likely only near the bare handful of staffed refuges with two-way radios. Be conservative with route decisions, heeding this book’s warnings, and always trek within the limits of daylight and your capabilities. If you’re kitted out with the items in the Equipment List entry, you should never find Greek conditions dangerous, though they may certainly be less than ideal for enjoying the hike.


Greek topography is ideal for redistributing air masses so as to threaten hikers, and there have been a number of recent fatalities from summit and meadow strikes. Seek shelter, if possible, in low-lying wooded areas or deep horizontal caves.